Harold Damron also know as “Howie”, has been in the public eye since he was seven years old. Having been born with an over abundance talent for natural creativities, his accomplishments are legendary within multidisciplinary fields.

As a musician, singer and songwriter his travels as a Nashville touring entertainer has racked up walls full of awards rising himself up as a Las Vegas act. Having worked with more than 100 major legends in the Nashville and rock sense across the US and Canada, Howie received the Distinguished Achievement Award in New York City as one of only 80 individuals out of 235 million since 1935 when the award first began. To mention just a few of the other recipients that also received the award, President Gerald Ford, John Glenn, General McArthur, Alexander Fleming, Jimmy Doolittle and Cecil B Demille. Pretty good company for a singer/songwriter from the Appalachians.

Howie Damron became infatuated with discovering a technology that would arrest friction and wear within machinery and equipment.



Beginning in 1990, he had gained tremendous knowledge in Tribology, Metallurgy, Material Sciences, Mechanical Engineering as well as Botany. His experience as a Reliability and Sustainability Engineer throughout industrial applications, soon put him on the path for creating the Holy Grail of friction and wear sciences. Within his analytical testing Labratory named HD Innovations, he worked relentlessly testing, researching and developing even while he was still performing and traveling.

Howie Damron states, “In those days there was no internet or cell phones so you got books and read while traveling with a five piece band thousands of miles across country. I found a book titled “Friction and Wear of Materials” written by professor Earnest Rabinowitz of MIT. I read and studied it constantly. Once I’d get back to the lab I began testing more and more”.

By 1998 he’d finally decoded the riddle. Strangely what he’d discovered, contained no petroleum hydrocarbons or LOA’s (Lubricating oil additives) that must be blended into all base stock greases and oils. The discovery was named and scientifically identified as HDI-2500. It had nothing to do with his name or initials. It stands for Hardened Deformation Interfaces and it’s sustainability’s lasts up to 2500 degrees F.

After all the testing through ASTM methods, he entered the HDI-2500 into industrial applications in factual field testing. From 1998 until today in 2022, the collected data has proven sustainability’s of impossible levels. From the Most Extreme applications on the planet, HDI-2500 is such a significantly advanced technology, that it’s indistinguishable from magic.

Harold Damron aka Howie says “Now that the world wide war on wear has been won, the technology has charted a course for tremendously helping humanity, wildlife our environment as well as drastically reducing neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Dementia and cancers”. HD Innovations is relentless in continuing its R&D on new exciting green technologies that all stems from HDI-2500.